
Tea Gathering with Excellent Seating at Yakushiji


Mr. Hayashi Soki, a tea professor of the Omote Senke Tea School, who leads the world of Japanese Tea Ceremony at Nara and Kansai area.


Course Details

Date: 20th and 21st November 2023·

There will be 5 sessions – *10:00~ *11:00~ *12:00~ *13:00~ *14:00~·


Number of participants: 10 guests/ session·

Tea Ceremony Fee: 55,000 Yen/person/each session·

Approximate time required for each session: 3 to 3.5 hours

1)  Tea ceremony begins with thick tea and a sweet at ‘Mahoroba’ Hall

2)  Thin tea with a sweet at ‘Mahoroba’ Hall

3)  Traditional Cha-kaiseki Japanese cuisine at ‘Mahoroba’ Hall *Yakushiji Temple tour starts at 10:30 and 14:30. This is an optional tour – you can decide whether to join or not – and will be held in English and conducted by a Buddhist monk and an interpreter.


Please Note: Guests will be guided during the tea gathering by an interpreter and assistant tea host. We ask you to join us wearing plain and clean clothes with a pair of white socks and without any accessories. We will prepare chairs for you. Please advise us if you have any food allergies when you reserve. 



Yakushiji Temple’s Brief History

In 680 CE, Emperor Temmu planned to erect a temple in the ancient capital Asuka for his ailing wife. In the hopes that she could be cured, Yakushi-ji was to be dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai, the “Buddha of Healing” from which it gets its name. Temmu did not live to see the finished temple; however, it was his wife, who acceded to the throne as Empress Jitō after his death, that oversaw its official enshrining in 697 and the compound’s completion in the following year. After a little over a decade, the capital was moved from Asuka, and, in 718, Yakushi-ji followed the capital to the compound’s present location.

As what would become one of the seven great temples of Nara - a list which includes Tōdai-ji, Daian-ji, Saidai-ji, Gangō-ji, Hōryū-ji, and Kōfuku-ji - Yakushi-ji held people in awe upon its completion. Its noteworthy features include a grand main hall (kondō),  twin pagoda, and a massive lecture hall (kōdō).

Unfortunately, in its long history, Yakushi-ji has met with several disasters. The greatest damage was suffered in 1528 by civil war. Today, only the Yakushi Triad, housed in the main hall; the Shō Kannon, housed in the east meditation hall (tōindō), and the east pagoda stand as testament to its original grandeur. Over the years, Yakushi-ji has been and continues to be gradually restored.

Presently, it is the head temple of the Hossō sect, the oldest Buddhist sect in Japan. Yakushi-ji was degignated as a World Heritage Site in 1998.

金額(税込) ¥55,000 / 1名
開催エリア 奈良県奈良市西ノ京町
TEL: 0742-26-8610
ご予約はこちらから カレンダー内の予約希望の日付を選択してください。


茶室名 80 Yakushiji Mahorobakaikan Hall
茶室の広さ 10畳

流儀 Omotesenke scool
亭主の名前 TEISHU
日本語の他に亭主が対応可能な言語 英語・その他
住所 奈良県奈良市西ノ京町
連絡先 TEL: 0742-26-8610



  • 出来るだけフォーマルな装いでおいでください。
  • 予定時間の15分前を目安においでください。
  • 強い香水・金属装身具の使用はご遠慮ください。
  • お客様都合によるキャンセルは返金出来ません。
  • 天災によりおもてなしができなくなった場合には、入金額全額を返金します。